TC75XX essential 3 day return to base from new 3 year with comprehensive cover and dashboard and pre...
552 EURSapphire level UnitCare 2.0 service contract for 2 years, 7-day turnaround time, compatible with Uni...
83 EURSapphire level UnitCare 2.0 service contract for 2 years, 7-day turnaround time, compatible with Uni...
9 EURWT6XXX select advanced exchange 5 years for wt6xxx with comprehensive coverage. includes commissioni...
984 EURZQ3X select w fastrack, pre-owned, advanced exchange, zq310, zq320, 3 years, comprehensive
465 EURService contract UnitCare 2.0 level Sapphire for period of 4 years, 7-day turnaround time, compatibl...
14 EUREmerald level UnitCare 2.0 service contract for 3 years, 3d day turnaround time, compatible with Uni...
156 EURTTP 2000 from new essential 3 day return to base with comprehensive cover (print heads) 3 year
70 EUR