Configuration of device: 1D Laser, Multi-Interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), White. The omnidirection...
Configuration of device: 1D Laser, Multi-Interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), EAS, White. The omnidirec...
Configuraton of device: 1D Laser, Multi-Interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), Black. The omnidirectional...
Configuration of device: 1D Laser, Multi-Interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), EAS, Black. The omnidirec...
Configuration of device: 1D Laser, Multi-Interface (RS232, KBW, USB, IBM), White. Kit includes Scann...
Cradle for transmitting and charging, for Dragon Mobile/ Powerscan 8000, 433MHz, with a port for add...
Cradle for transmitting and charging, for Dragon Mobile, 433MHz. To be ordered in any case: required...
Battery Charger, Multiple (4 Slots) for standard and high capacity. Power supply included in the box...
Battery, Extended Capacity (5000mAh) included with UMTS models for Datalogic Elf.
Configuration of device: Bluetooth v2.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g CCX V4, Standard 2D Imager with Green Sp...