Hand readers

PD9531-HPE - Datalogic Barcode Scanner

Datalogic PowerScan PD9500 handheld scanner, industry, 2D, imager (high performance), 3GL, multi-int...

PM9600-DKHP433RK20 - Datalogic Barcode Scanner

Datalogic PowerScan PM9600 cordless scanner, industry, 2D, imager, 16 keys, cordless, 433 MHz, IP65,...

1 105  EUR

QBT2131-WH - Datalogic Barcode Scanner

Datalogic QuickScan QBT2131 Bluetooth scanner, retail, 1D, linear imager, 400 scans/sec., Bluetooth ...

179  EUR

1470G2D-6-R - Hand Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1470g

Honeywell Voyager 1470g handheld scanner, 2D, imager, desinfectable housing, multi-interface (RS232,...

82  EUR

1470G2D-1USB-1-R - Hand Scanner Honeywell Voyager 1470g

Honeywell Voyager 1470g handheld scanner, 2D, imager, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP40, incl....

87  EUR

GD4590-HCK10-HD-BP - Datalogic Gryphon I GD4500-HC

Datalogic Barcode Scanner handheld scanner, healthcare, 2D, imager (high density, illumination: whit...

269  EUR

HD3430-BKK1S - Datalogic Barcode Scanner

Datalogic Heron HD3430 handheld scanner, retail, 2D, Area Imager, Green Spot, multi-interface (RS232...

QW2170-BKK2S - Datalogic Barcode Scanner

Datalogic QuickScan Lite QW2100 handheld scanner, 1D, linear imager, Green Spot, 400 scans/sec., mul...

112  EUR

1952GHD-2-R - Cordless reader Honeywell Xenon 1952g

Honeywell Xenon 1952g Bluetooth scanner, 2D, imager (high density), vibration, incl.: battery, 2400 ...

MK3780-61A38 - Hand Scanner Honeywell Fusion 3780

Honeywell Fusion 3780 handheld scanner, retail, 1D, omnidirectional, CodeGate function, switchable s...

Handheld scanner Newland HR15 Wahoo Corded - NLS-HR1550-35

Handheld scanner Newland HR15 Wahoo Corded, 1D, CCD, scan rate: 300 scans/sec., connection: USB, RS2...

51  EUR

Barcode Reader Datalogic PowerScan - PM9600-DDPX433RK20

The Datalogic PowerScan PM9600 wireless barcode scanner is equipped with a 1D, 2D, DPM scanning head...

1 697  EUR